Political theory by its nature touches a sweeping number of subjects that have political implications. This means that for each student, there is some topic or interest that can serve to excite them about theoretical political concepts. All things my students are interested in, whether sports or literature or science and technology, have political dimensions and applications and raise interesting questions for exploration in the classroom and in engagement with texts. By showing students how the theoretical texts we encounter in our classroom experiences relate to questions they themselves are asking as they grow in their studies and look toward a career and the future, I hope to show them that the ideas under discussion in my courses are perennially relevant and exciting regardless of their choice of profession. At whatever level I am teaching, I seek to provide students with more than just content, terms, or rote test answers. Rather, I am equipping students with the means to think theoretically about politics broadly. My goal in my teaching is thus to ignite a passion for the material, teach skills that help students beyond my classroom, and inspire a desire to continue learning, both in my field and outside of it.
Teaching Awards: Teaching Fellow Award, UW-Madison College of Letters & Science, 2020-2021 Teaching Assistant Award, Integrated Liberal Studies, 2020-2021
Experience as Instructor of Record at Clemson University: POSC 4500, "Political Theory & Literature." Summer 2024. POSC 4550, "Political Thought of the American Founding." Spring 2023, Spring 2024. POSC 1030, "Introduction to Political Theory." Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024.
Experience as Instructor of Record at UW-Madison: PS 363, “Politics and Literature.” Fall 2021, Spring 2022 PS 460, “Conservative Political Thought.” Summer 2021 ILS 206, “Western Culture: Political, Social, and Economic Thought II.” Spring 2021 ILS 205, “Western Culture: Political, Social, and Economic Thought I.” Fall 2020, Fall 2022
Experience as Teaching Assistant at UW-Madison: PS 160, “Introduction to Political Theory.” Spring 2019 & Spring 2020 ILS 372, “Guns and Society.” Fall 2018 ILS 206, “Western Culture: Political, Social, and Economic Thought II.” Spring 2018 ILS 205, “Western Culture: Political, Social, and Economic Thought I.” Fall 2017 & Fall 2019